The first examples of the saqinamas in the Eastern literature that deal with entertainment assemblies where alcoholic drinks and their associated elements in their real and metaphorical meanings appear in Arabic literature. This type, which gained an independent feature in Persian poetry, has taken its place in Turkish literature since the 14th century. The 16th century poet Lâmiî has also included many saqinamas in his masnavies. In the masnavies of the poet, firstly, the saqinama pieces which contribute to the content attract attention. These parts are the main elements of the entertainment assembly depictions and are often encountered. Secondly, some saqinamas of Ferhâd u Şîrîn and Veyse vü Râmîn, especially at the end of the episode, reflect a consistent property of narrative. The poet skillfully used the saqinamas in chapter transitions. Finally, the contribution of the saqinamas of Lâmiî's masnavies to the harmony draws attention. The saqinamas that started out addressing the saki and the mutrib revealed a harmonious expression with exclamation and epiphoneme literary arts. All this shows that Lâmiî's masnavies have a special feature in the genre of saqinama.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Saqinama, Lâmiî Çelebi, Masnavi.