Researches of the geography of Turkey Turkish have been studied since the 19th century. In the past, Montenegro is an area where also Turkish localities have been in existence since the 4th century. The Slavs, who started to settle together in the 7th century, had various stages with the Turks before the Ottoman period and in the 15th century with the Ottoman Empire. In this period like in the previous ones, the immigration process toward Turkey has been started too. Turks of Montenegro were registered in the 2011 census with the use of the “Turkish” headings, predominantly in the vicinity of Bar and in many other municipalities. The works related to the Turkish dialect of Montenegro are very limited and generally, they describe the Turks of Montenegro and Montenegro, apart from the dialect dictionary and publication for positioning. In this article, publications about Montenegro are presented through a historical process; have been made determinations about Turks and Montenegro Turkish; is presented multipurpose field information for the mention of Montenegro area in new researches of Turkey Turkish.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Geography of Turkey Turkish, Turks of Montenegro, Turkish dialect of Montenegro, Bar, Stari Bar, Wes