Cultur and civilization traces belonging to the Uigur who they lived in today’s Mongolia geography between the years of 744-840 is substantially important in the sense of Turkish history. Afterwars, the Uighurs using the system of runic in their earliest period developed Uighur writing that carried the traces of Manichaeism and was adopted from Sogd writing and they used it as formal writing.
In this study, the period of transcription to Uighur writing from the system of runic, inscriptions that the Uighurs wrote in Gokturk, Sogd, China and Uigur Alphabets as part of their faith and cultures and have taken part in Mongolia geography at the present time, the studies interested in these inscriptions are presented to attention.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uighurs, Inscriptions with Uigur Alphabet, Mongolia