Forty Hadiths, one of the sample of literal works based on The Prophet Muhammad subjected in Arabic and Iranian Literature, is also mentioned very often by poets and authors in Turkish Literature.
We may come across mostly poetical examples of this genre in Divan Literature. Vehbi is one of the poets who produced partly successful literal works in that genre. Seyyid Vehbi is a scholar and poet who has some literary works about different subjects worked as a lieutenant of Anatolian Qadı’asker Osman Efendi and lived between last quarter of 17th century and first half of 18th century. He was appreciated by Sultan writing “sıhhatname’s” which were attributed to Ahmet The Third. In this article, “Translation of Hadis-i Erba’in” is studied. This work explains hadiths with a broad meaning in forty stanzas. Nowadays, the only found copy of this work exists in the library of Rare Works in Istanbul University. This study contains not only related text of the translation of forty hadiths with transcription but also life, literary personality and works of Seyyid Vehbi and contents of the work.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hadith, Forty Kadith, Verse Forty Hadisth, Seyyid Vehbi.