Semantic, which is one of the important fields of study of Turcology, aims to reveal the vocabulary of the language, the diversity of meaning, and the ways in which the language speakers perceive the relevant concepts. In this study, the concepts of light and fire, which meet the basic needs of human life such as nutrition, housing, warming and enlightenment, have a wide vocabulary. As a result of the screening of 70 works written in the field of Eastern Turkish until the 15th century, it was found that the most fundamental root used for meeting these concepts was *ya-. * Ya-, which is the root of many words in the name and action category; the existence of the words yak-, *yal, yal-, yan-, yar-, *yaş, *yaş- confirms this root even though it could not be determined in the texts. In the introduction section of the study, evaluations about the *ya- and previous studies on these concept areas were included; in the review section, *ya- and its derivatives are discussed in terms of phonetic, morphologic and semantic characteristics by giving sample lines from historical texts; in the conclusion section, the data obtained from the study were evaluated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Light, fire, conceptual field, semantic, *ya-.