
In this article, a newly founded Teŋri Kagan Inscriptions from the Mongolia is proposed on to read and make sense of. End of study understood that some of the words of inscription, which is the subject for research and study read or misunderstood wrong before. And have been suggested considered suitable explanations and readings. For example, it has been suggested that the set of letters A×Н interpreted as the word ebine, which means in home before, may be the word ebine, which means in home. In this context, I’st Inscription in the form ‘Öt(ü)k(e)nde T(e)ŋri K(a)g(a)n y(e)lm(e)si (e)b(i)ne ol(u)rm(a)z’ was interpreted ‘Teŋri Kagan's reconnaissance arm does not live in his house in Ötüken'. The II’st Inscription was was read and interpreted in the form ‘K(a)m(a)g bod(u)n t(e)li T(e)ŋri K(a)g(a)n (e)rm(i)sh (Teŋri Kagan was the equal, friend of all the people)’. These inscriptions belong to the pioneer soldiers of Teŋri Kagan and they stated in the first inscription that they did not live in their homes in Ötüken because of the civil wars and that they were in duty in their homes. In the second inscription, they wanted to show that Teŋri Kagan was right in the fight between Teŋri Kagan and his uncles.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Mongolia, the Teŋri Kagan Inscriptions, Teŋri Kagan, reconnaissance arm, Otuken.