The article is about the policy of genocide carried out by Armenians against material and cultural monuments of Azerbaijani people located in Karabakh and historical territory of Azerbaijan in West Azerbaijan.
Analysis of sources of epographic documents shows that in the territory of present Armenian Republic there did not exist Armenian state in any historical period. The first Armenian state in the South Caucasus was created in historical Azerbaijani lands-Irevan and Zangazur, in 1920 by Bolsheviks. The number of numerous Mosques, Mosque “prikhod”s, toponyms of Turkish-Azerbaijan origin, number of Azerbaijanis that have existed in these territories till 1920, once again proves that these lands are ancient Azerbaijan lands. The agression against azerbaijan people's material and cultural heritage which have exposed to spiritual genocide in the last 200 years will continue while Azerbaijani terrirories remain under occupation. The only way out of the situation is to develop a new concept of history of the South Caucasus.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cultural Heritage, Armenians, spiritual genocide, historical concept, mosque, toponym, occupation, S