In this article, how narrative, which is a form of making past experiences into a story by language with taking heritage from the past, became a tradition will be discussed in folkloric context. In this context, narattive wiil be determined in the that base narrative has reached today with language within a language by interpretation. Narrative was transferred to next generations by “statement” based on repetition with transition to written culture from oral culture, but with written culture it was began to be transferred by “writing” based on interpretation. The most important point of this change is that it has brought the issue of “interpretation” while it was being transferred by “text”. This case has also brought change of language between generations which is being differentiating but also never departing from tradition. In response to this change, the ritualistic effort evolvled an aesthetic effort with written culture as a result of change of narrative with the interpretation needs of text in the sens of the folklore. Thus, narratibe in folkloric context has opened the door for diversity of interpretation in oral culture wihtout resistance as told in oral culture. Consequently, tradition which is comprised by constant languge has become is able to be interpretetive while was repeatable with the possibilities presented by writing with changing formal puposes of the oral culture by statement and narrative.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Folklore, narrative, traditions, language, oral culture, written culture, text, interpretation.