In this research, importance of mercy as a term of ethic, beside of value meaning how to gain and sustain this term of students, and tried to put forward according to the opinions of the social sciences theachers on this term mercy. Qualitative research was adopted to in this search. Qualitative approach is applied fort he research 15 social science theachers are used working in Bursa Gemlik in 2017-2018 education year. The Teachers have described the term mercy as depression, pity, grief, sarrow and soft hearted. Almost every teachers have expressed that ethical mercy is decreasing among teenagers and students. More than half of the teachers stated that nercy should be taught in secondary schools and take place in course books. The teachers painted education of ethic starts in family, children learns the ethic by modelling so this education should be given in the family firstly. For the Public education they suggested that by student centered techniques, reading book, investigating sample encents, role-playing, drama, term of mercy should be gaine to the students. Among the proposals of the research, raising the place of teaching mercy in schools, teaching values as seperate course, to teach the values effective obtaing the coordination of families one teachers can be counted.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ethic, values, mercy, education of mercy, social science teachers