One of the important historical turning points of states is the change of political power. The parties to change have implemented different policies, especially in the socio-cultural field, even if they have similar ideologies. In the reform of the republic, where the state changed with almost every dynamics that formed it change brought with it a great transformation. Kemalism, which basically incorporates Turkish nationalism, is the ideology that plans and programs this transformation. In line with the idea of nationalism in its core, it can be said that the main problematic of Kemalism is to determine the historical process in which the national origin will be launched. Early republican era historiography tries to solve the problem by ignoring the Ottoman Empire and reaching the history of Central Asian Turkish. Thus, the Ottoman Empire becomes a process that is a thing of the past. It is inevitable that this new view of history will directly affect the type of novel that takes its subject from history. n the historical novel published between 1923 and 1938, the Ottomans take part in largely negative images as a requirement of the new perception of history. This situation, which exemplifies the dominant effect of official ideologies on the cultural field, reduces the period and the human reality to which it was preceded by pure literature. n the novel of the period, the Ottoman appears in a picture of a historical process in which historical / fictive novel people, who have no particular side, repeat the same behaviors in the same places.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Official ideology, republic, literature, novel, Ottoman history.