
Folk songs from the oral tradition of folk literature, which convey the cultural heritage of the Turkish people for hundreds of years, are also very important products. When examined in detail, it is possible to see crystallized samples of all dimensions of life and the philosophy of the perception of life in the folk songs. In every period and everywhere Turkish people lived, folk songs have been their common voice. Folk songs are important cultural carriers and sharing the same culture will bring cohesion, convergence and integration between generations. In this sense, folk songs that create a connection between the individual and his ancestors prepare the individual to adapt to the culture of the society he lives in. He absorbs his culture with his folk songs. The aim of this study is not to examine the functions of folk songs, to compile or classify local folk songs, but to follow the reflection of cultural elements on folk songs with only one city (Gaziantep) originated folk songs. For this purpose, the folk songs of the region were examined and the lines in which cultural characteristics were expressed were exemplified.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Gaziantep, culture, cultural transmission, folk song, cultural elements, cultural elements in folk s