
The concept of homeland has a wide place in the works of Mirvarid Dilbazi, one of the female poets of Azerbaijani literature. Dilbazi's artistic life is influenced by the political and social events of the period in which he lived. For this reason, the concept of homeland, which the poet deals with in his poems, shows different characteristics in different periods. The Soviet administration, which reigned during Mirvarid Dilbazi's lifetime, directs people in all areas and compels them to live as required by the Soviet ideology. Dilbazi, who is a witness of an era when Soviet propaganda was made in the most violent way, and those who were against the government were not given the right to live, wrote his first works as required by this period. In order to reduce the effects of the war on the people during the Second World War, Dilbazi's poems mostly focused on the subject of homeland defense. In the following years, different political and social developments such as the death of Stalin, the policy of openness, the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenians left their mark on the poet's works and the direction of his works changed in line with these events. In this study, the concept of homeland in the poems of Mirvarid Dilbazi will be discussed, taking into account the period in which he lived.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Mirvarid Dilbazi, Azerbaijani female poet, Azerbaijani Soviet Literature.