The phrase erdem, which is defined with words such as "heroism, valour, bravery, bravery" when combined with the phrase alp and er in the Yenisei inscriptions, expresses an ideal when combined with phrases such as er erdem, erdem üçün, er erdem üçün, alpın erdemin üçün. This ideal is realized in various situations in the inscriptions. İt is also related to the profession of "embassy", which means taking part in the state's internal and external communication activities. For example, Yenisei inscriptions contain many concepts about how the embassy and communication were made between Turkish tribes and states. One of these concepts is the word yumuş in Old Turkish. For the first time, in the Shanchi III inscription, "news, communication; As a result of the use of this word, which is witnessed in the meaning of "embassy", within the conceptual field of the old Uyghur word tapıg/tapıgçı, from the old Uyghur language "work, service, duty"; It can be followed from historical texts that it became widespread in the meaning of "servant, attendant" but also preserved its root meaning.
This study is evaluated the meaning of the word yumuş in the first line of the Şançi III (E 152) inscription both with the help of other words as (erdem, yor(ı)t-) in the context of the sentence and with witnesses from historical Turkish dialects. In addition, the first two lines of this inscription will be interpreted by taking into account the differences in the previous reading and interpretation proposals.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Runic, Köktürk script, Yenisei inscriptions, Şançi inscription, yumuş.