Although Safahat including the poems of Mehmet Âkif has recently been published as a single volume with the collection of his seven books, it has generally been discussed as an interpretation of these different books within the scope of various subjects since including seven separate books. While creating his work, Âkif also fictionalized a unity in terms of content and form although he actually published separate books. This has also been appropriate for the "phases" meaning of "Safahat." Considering Safahat in this meronomy, it is necessary to think on key issue of Âkif as reflected in the whole. In this study, in line with such a concern, the Safahat including collected works was regarded as a whole and the meaning and value of the chapters in line with the meaning of the whole was emphasized. It was revealed that approaching this work from such a point of view would open a door to various richness of meanings.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Safahat, Âkif, systematic unity, meronomy.