
Since societies began to communicate with each other, cultural exchange has increased and the level of civilization has risen. As a result, languages also needed new words. Due to the fact that Turkish is an agglutinative language, the derivation of new words is mostly done through suffixes in Turkish. In cases where what is meant to be conveyed cannot be expressed with a single word, concepts are explained by combining more than one word within the framework of certain patterns. These structures in the form of word groups are called compound words. The words that make up the compound word gain new meanings apart from their own meanings. One of the compound words is compound adjectives. Compound adjectives were frequently used in Ottoman Turkish as well as in Turkey Turkish. With the introduction of many words and rules from Arabic and Persian in Ottoman Turkish, most of the compound adjectives were made according to the rules of these languages. Particularly, compound adjectives made with Persian rules were widely used in this period. In this study, the compound adjectives formed by Persian rules in the work called Münâzara-i Sultân-ı Bahâr bâ-Şehriyâr-ı Şitâ belonging to the 16th century have been classified and examined, and it has been tried to explain statistically which type of compound adjective and how long it is used in the work.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Ottoman Turkish, Persian rules, compound adjective, Lâmi’î Çelebi, Münâzara-i Sultân-ı Bahâr bâ-Şehr