
Reading, which is one of the skills in which an individual perceives life, turns into different forms with developing opportunities. Digital reading is becoming more and more widespread, and it is used by large masses and with increasing frequency. It is not possible to ignore motivation, which is one of the variables affecting the reading process, in the digital reading process. It is important to determine students' digital reading motivations, to learn about the current situation and to design activities that will motivate students to digital reading. With this research, it was aimed to develop a digital reading motivation scale for primary school fourth grade students. For this purpose, the opinions of 138 fourth grade students who were actively engaged in digital reading with open-ended question forms were taken. In the light of the data obtained and the literature, an item pool consisting of 61 judgments was created. With expert opinions, 22 items were removed from the item pool and a pilot application was made with a 39-item candidate scale. The pilot study was conducted with 345 fourth grade students who were actively engaged in digital reading. With the Exploratory Factor Analysis, 20 items were removed from the scale. In addition, it was determined that the scale consisted of 3 subscales named as “individual benefits”, “content” and “impactness”. The final version of the digital reading motivation scale consists of 19 items. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, RMSEA value was 0.00, CMIN/DF value was 0.967, CFI = 1.00, NFI = 0.892, GFI = 0.958. After the Cronbach's Alpha reliability analysis, it was seen that the internal consistency coefficient obtained from the whole scale was α=.855. All items in the measurement tool contribute to reliability. As a result of the research, a valid and reliable tool was developed to measure the digital reading motivation of primary school fourth grade students. It is expected that the scale will meet the need in the literature.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Digital reading, motivation, primary school, scale development.