Scientific study of grammar, phonetics and lexicography dialects of the Kazakh language began in the Soviet period. Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences has begun conducting research on dialects, sending in 1937, three separate groups of specialists in the villages and Kegen, Narınkol Almaty region, Maktaaral district of South Kazakhstan region and Nura District Karagandi area. This work, continued in 1939 in Mangistav and Torgay regions in 1940 in areas Sarısu, Aral and the Horde. In these areas it had collected a large amount of material, which after 1953 served as the source for the works of famous Kazakh dialectologists S. Amanjolov, J. Doskarayev, N. T. Savranbayev and G. Musabayev classification Kazakh dialectology.
This article, S. Amanjolov identified three dialects: a) southern, b) west c) north east; J. Doskarayev, two dialects: a) southeastern b) northwestern; N. T. Savranbayev, divided the dialects of Kazakhstan on the basis of the phonetic into two groups: a) group of dialects /ş/, /d/ in the north and west of Kazakhstan b) a group of dialects /ç /, /l/ in the southern and southeastern regions of Kazakistan; G. Musabayev also divided into two groups: a) changing the adverb, b) the local dialect. This article, describes the reasons for these dialects divisions and methods that guided the researchers in the development of classifications.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kazakh language, dialectology, dialect, accent, ruv, tribe, juz.