Şair Bir Halk Kızı Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez


Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez; who lived between the years 1881-1971, was one of the active female poets in her century. She carried out her literature life between 1896 up to 1953. Bükülmez, has not only collected attention to herself with her literary identity but also with her life story, with in and after her life period. When carrying any kind of incident from her life to her poems she has used the sincerity of a child from the public but when she wanted to write about the social incidents of the time, with the same sincerity, she was often misunderstood. With her first published piece, her issued poems in magazines and an unprinted poem notebook Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez was a different woman who only wanted her voice heard, with her poems, in Turkish literature.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Yaşar Nezihe Bükülmez, woman poet, first socialist women poet