
Many studies have been carried out on texts with Köktürk letters in Turkey and in the world. One of the most emphasized issues has been the language characteristics of the texts. There are many issues in this area that still need to be clarified. Elliptical structures in texts have been examined in some studies. Opinions have been expressed about them. Ellipsises in the inscriptions been studied in many areas from element ellipsises to determinative group ellipsises, from ending ellipses to subtantive verb ellipsises. Frequent ellipsises have also caused disagreements among researchers. When trying to explain different structures that are difficult to understand without considering ellipsises, it caused either reading or interpretation errors. In such cases, the power of ellipsises to express more and more effective meanings with few words should not be overlooked. The ellipsises in the Köktürk letter inscriptions are not random, they are made within the framework of certain rules. These ellipsises gain meaning within the language rules of Old Turkish. In Kokturk language verbal ellipsises are found in syntactic structures where participle and gerundiums are unmarked. Although some verbal ellipsises are examined within the clipping groups with their sub-types, the verbal ellipsises that cannot be evaluated in the clipping groups are more in Kokturk language. In this study, verbal ellipsises in Kokturk letter inscriptions were determined. It has been described within the framework of which language rules these ellipsises take place and a classification has been made.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Old Turkish, inscriptions, syntax, ellipsis, verbal.